Swag Bag Program for Event Coordinators
Joining together with Event Coordinators to create a FREE Gift Bag Service for your events.
There are several different options to receive gift bag donations for your event.
How to receive FREE Gift Bags at your next event:
Option 1: You can contact us to put you on the request list.
*Availability cannot be guaranteed due to overwhelming bag requests.
Option 2: Get your vendors involved in the program.
Option 3: Another thing to think about: If you are an event coordinator you are welcome to join in the program as a Distributor for a discounted price of only $59 (normally $250). You would be able to get all your vendors in the program, make additional income and be able to provide your guests with gift bags at all your events. This price is a one-time fee. No annual costs, no website fees, no quotas. The program is lots of fun, you make new connections, additional income for you, and wonderful benefits for your small businesses within your community. Here is the link for more information on becoming a Distributor: Learn More Here
Option 4: You can purchase gift bags for your event through our low cost program. This option will guarantee gift bags at your next upcoming event. We can provide this service to you at a low cost. This will take all the work load off the event coordinator, saving you time & money. We provide the bags, we connect with small businesses to provide the contents in the bags, put the bags together for you & mail the bags to you in time for your event. You must put in your request in a reasonable timely manner for us to guarantee this request. The event must pay for the bags & shipping costs in advance. This is non-refundable order. Due to the process of us purchasing bags and the process of us providing items and filling the bags. With this option your event will also be posted on this website, our FB business page, in our newsletters, blog and other social media outlets. (Who doesn't love extra free advertising for their events~ right!)
Due to an overwhelming response to our program, all our gift bag donations are on availability only. We will add you to the list but we cannot guarantee availability. (Unless you choose Option 4) We are working diligently to add more Distributors to our program to accommodate all requests.
Our gift bags consist of wonderful goodies, samples, coupons, free trials, specials, giveaways and huge discounts from small businesses. We count on businesses to join in the program, and supply these items in a timely manner to accommodate events and fundraisers. As items arrive in from businesses, they are packed out for events. Due to this process we cannot guarantee the number of bags or availability. We will put you on the request list and do our best to accommodate your event wishes. If we can accommodate your event, You will be contacted approx. two weeks prior to the event to update you and to schedule your gift bag drop for your wonderful event.
Thank you and we look forward to working with you to make your event fun & successful. Please make sure you fill out the Bag Request From below with the date and location of the event.
• Connect with us on the number of Gift Bags you need for your next event.
• We supply the base level gift bags for FREE (Cello and/or Small Standard Bags).
• Connect us with your vendors to get them in the bags.
• We do all the work coordinating with the vendors and receiving their items for the bags.
• We put together all the bags for your event for FREE
• This program will also offer you FREE advertising of your event through our Website, Social Media.
This option does not guarantee availability. Pending a Distributor in your area with available bags.
Option B: Gift Bags Guarantee
• Connect with us on the number of Gift Bags you need for your event. This will guarantee gift bags for your event. (Read Option 4 above for details)
• $55.00 Per 100 Bags plus shipping costs. (Feb. Special)
• The Event can provide a sponsor for the bags to cover this cost.
• We do all the work coordinating the small business vendors and receiving items for the bags.
• We put together all the bags for your event for FREE
• This program will also offer you FREE advertising of your event through our website & Social Media.
Your gift bags will be mailed to you for your event. You must connect with us directly for this option as the date of the event must be within limits for us to supply the gift bags, fill them with promotional items and mail them out in time for your event. You can connect with us by filling out the bag request below and someone will be in contact with you.