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Keeping it Real

When you start a business with a Direct Sales Company or any business for that matter, what are you told? You're told:

Be purposeful in your business every day, contact at least 3 to 5 people everyday, share your samples, brochures, or business cards wherever you go. Leave them in restaurants, on bulletin boards, people at the grocery store, at the gym, in the bathroom??!! Say what?! Who doesn't like to read in the bathroom right? Lets break this down a little. Who actually does it? Be real now! We all get busy in our daily lives, some have more than one job, kids, school and the list goes on. Do you really make those connections daily? Really go out somewhere on a daily basis and leave your information with people or connect? If so......Awesome!! That is great, but some people just can't seem to squeeze in the time, or it's way out of their comfort zone. Some start out strong and then do not do it consistently. And if you use their contact numbers of lets say average of 5 per day; that is approx. 20 people per month you should be giving information to. In my opinion that is just not enough. With Sway Crazy, I distribute a minimum of 100 bags PER WEEK going out in circulation to events. And that my peeps is a slow week. A previous month we delivered 1300 bags! Woo Hoo! Look how much more exposure you can get if you really wanted to focus on your business.

When you are out and about, are you that one that says "oh I forgot to bring my catalogs or business cards, or I will start tomorrow." Tomorrow ends up not coming and you don't put full focus into your business. But you want to be successful, right? Who doesn't! So many times I hear; "Where are you distributing? How do I know if that's where I want my business cards/samples to go? Or, It's not my demographic." SAY WHAT!!!! You will leave your business card in a bathroom, but your worried that the items going to EVENTS may not be your demographic? (Insert deer in headlights stare here).

Your demographic is people. Everyone, Everywhere! We never know who may want to buy that product, service or wants to join your opportunity.

Another one I have heard is "What if they just don't read it and throw it away". Oh, I am not sure where to even start on this one. What do you think could possibly happen to the one you just left in a public restroom?? Employee comes in to clean and tosses it into the trash. OR maybe not. We never really know what is going to happen to something we hand someone when we are passing out our information. BUT! If we do not bother connecting with others and sharing our wonderful businesses with others, how can we expect our business to grow?? We all hope when we hand that business card to someone that they will call, right? It's a risk. A risk that we have to take if we want to be successful. Share, Share, Share. Isn't that what we always hear.

Here is another I have heard over the years. "I passed out 100 items and had no response." Hehehe, had to chuckle a little on that one. First, do you track all your clients and ask them where they got your information? Maybe they did purchase but you just didn't ask where the referral came from. Second, how do you know that person has not went to your website and looked around? Maybe they didn't like your products, could not afford them or just maybe they are waiting for the right time to order or join. I have had this happen many times. A client will contact me and say "I have been looking at your website for months, I am ready to join now." THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD NEVER GIVE UP. Dedication, determination, and CONSISTENCY is key for a rewarding, successful business. Third, if you only passed out 100 items ONE TIME, how do you expect to grow? Do you go to ONE event and then never go again??? Of course not! You have to continue to get exposure. Keep getting your name out there and keep making connections. Consistent exposure is key.

Now let's get busy, have some fun and share, share, share! Have a great day everyone!

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