A Huge Welcome To All Our Vendors In Our Back to School Summer Bash!!

Back To School Summer Bash
August 13th - 19th
Come one, Come all! Shop with some of our amazing vendors. Here sneak peak of some that will be showing off there small businesses right online! Join our group www.facebook.com/onestopshoppingevents and check out our events section of the group.
Vendor Spotlight
Rebecca Ott - Plunder Vintage Jewelry -www.plunderdesign.com/rebeccaott
Emily Evans - Doterra - www.mydoterra.com/emilyevans
Janelle Muller - Monat – jamuller.mymonat.com
Daniella Linck - Nu Skin – Dlinck.nuskinops.com
Maria Makowski - Thirtyone – https://www.mythirtyone.com/1925494
Megan Churnovic - LipSense by SeneGence -https://www.facebook.com/groups/BeautifulYouByMeg/
Lauren boyer - Scentsy - www.laurenboyer.scentsy.us
Heather Hansen - Dotdotsmile - https://www.facebook.com/groups/DotDotSmileEmilyandDylan/
Kim Groller -Wildtree - http://www.mywildtree.com/kimgroller
Jessica Ayres - Younique - www.youniqueproducts.com/JessicaAyres1
Krista Apuzzo – Paparazzi - https://paparazziaccessories.com/56230/
Michelle Bishop – Origami Owl - michellebishop.origamiowl.com
Also some other vendors that will be there!
Legging Army
Rodan & Fields
Perfectly Posh
Usborne Books
Pampared Chef
Mary Kay