A Huge Welcome To Our Sip & Shop Vendors!!

Come join the fun!!! Going on NOW!!! Aug 20-26th
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Meet our amazing group of small business owners!!
Sip & Shop Vendors
Yolindi de Gouveia Uniikstuff
She'Neka Williams Scentsy
Jennifer Miranda Pampered Chef
Jasmin Slattery Discovery Toys
Ashley Nicole Monat
Ilene Field Peferctly Posh
Ashely Curran Jamberry
Lisa Terrill Direct Cellars
Lisa Terrill Cocoa Exchange
Erica Collins Paparazzi
Paige Bingham Modere
Rae Owen Thirty One
Ruth Murrell Younique
Lakiesha Abdul-Aziz Avon
Nancy Harvey Rodan & Fields
Ann DeBonis Grace & Heart